The firewood stove, located near the main altar. Around it there are several big pots which contained the victims, err... sacrifices.
The Earthly Mount, or Altar of Heaven, comprised of three marble levels, is where the Emperor prayed for favorable weather. The center stone on the top level is supposed to be sacred.
Looking at the entrance from the altar.
The gate at the Echo Wall. It's a round wall with only one opening and it is said that one person on one end can hear a person on the other end due to echo. It doesn't work with crowds, though.The Echo Wall surrounds the House of Heavenly Lord and a few other buildings. On the right, our guide Eric.
The House of Heavenly Lord
A side pavilion inside the Echo Wall
A detail of the stone carvings in the middle of the stairs. There are similar stones on the stairs of the Forbidden City.
On our way to the last building. It was so windy, that earth was getting in our eyes and mouth.
The magnificent Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is the main and last building in the compound. It's such a shame the weather was bad!
A detail of the roof
Steve in front of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests. Visitors aren't allowed inside.
Not in Singapore, where it feels like it's summer all year round. Six months was the intended length of our stay, but we liked it so much that we stayed for seven. While there we took the chance to pay short visits to China, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, and Vietnam, and we took so many photos that it is taking us a lot longer than six months to post them up.
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