The maple leaf cakes

A view of the beach, with its stone lanterns and deer

The inevitable picture with the giant torii in the background

The shrine is built on stilts, because when the tide is high, all this land is submerged, including the bottom part of the torii.

A view of the shrine, with the pagoda in the background

The giant torii and the tourists on the beach, seen from the shrine

The main altar at Itsukushima shrine

Steve down at the beach by the giant torii

This is an okonomiyaki. It certainly doesn't look very appetizing, but it's actually tasty.

This is what happened as soon as Steve bought the deer crackers. That one on the bench with him bit his shirt a few times.

They were really persistent and kept following him all around this area. People arriving from the ferry would stop to watch the show.
It was nice to see Steve wearing the "camcorder case" around his shoulder.
Maybe he got so hurt by your last comment that he decided to change it in the next pictures... :)
Vivam os bambes!!!
Lindo! Confesso aqui ao mundo que no outro dia estava na Noruega e me foi oferecida carne disto.
Antes de me decidir a provar, ainda atirei um "mas e' como comer bambis!", ao que me responderam prontamente: "Bambis nao. Quando muito estas a comer as renas do Pai Natal". Se e' assim fico mais descansada.
Pronto, era isto.
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