Thursday, June 7, 2007

Walking on clouds

Singapore was once entirely covered in tropical rain forest. Nowadays, all that remains is a relatively small patch in the center of the island, which was turned into two reserves/natural parks: the MacRitchie Reservoir and the Bukit Timah Reserve. The former has a lot of walking trails you can take, although the secret is to arrive very early in the morning, to be done with your hike before the heat gets really, really bad. We arrived at 9am to walk though the most famous of the trails: the Treetop Walk. For the most part it's a sweaty hike through the jungle, but you get to walk for about 10 minutes on a suspension bridge that connects the two highest points in the reservoir, for a view of the canopies and, with luck, a few animals. And even though we were done by 11am, I can't begin to tell you how drenched we were when we got out. Perhaps next time we ought to start at 7:30.


Postcards from Portugal said...

Great blog ;) So many things to see and read and so little time. Will come back later. Good to know you guys are having fun. Thanks for sharing your adventure. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

wish i was with you. It looks great, you sure are having a great time. Have fun. Aunt Pat

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for the comments! They motivate us to keep this project going! :-)