Thursday, July 12, 2007

A day at the beach

We're back after much touring! Two friends came to Singapore and I tried to be a good tour guide for five days. Before we flew to Beijing, we took a day trip to Bintan, Indonesia. It's a little like taking the airplane, in terms of security and comfort, but it's actually just a one-hour ferry ride. On the northern side of the island there's a bunch of Singaporean-run beach resorts and the people from Singapore enjoy going there for the weekend, since it's so much nicer than the beaches of Sentosa! We too went to the beach. The sun was hot, the sand was fine, and the water warm and clear! After lunch we did a little local shopping before we went to see the elephants. We took pictures with them and got to ride them in the middle of the forest for about 15-20 minutes. It was a slightly bumpy but unforgettable experience!

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